Dienstag, 21. November 2017

Wahl pocket pro

Gratis Versand durch Amazon schon ab 29€. Dieses batteriebetrieben, kabelloser Trimmer von . The wahl pet pocket pro trimmer piece grooming kit offers an easy way to trim around eyes, ears and legs without shaving hair completely off. Dieser praktische batteriebetriebene Tiertrimmer eignet sich für kleine Arbeiten an Gesicht . Super kompakter Trimmer mit professionellem Präzisions-Konturenschneidsatz.

Für unterwegs: Ergonomisch . Featuring a powerful battery operated motor for heavy duty grooming, this neat . Buy Wahl Dog Grooming online from Morrisons. Be the first to review this product . We have a great range of Wahl Health and Beauty Electricals products available. Ideal for precision trimming around eyes, feet and muzzles. FREE shipping and the BEST customer service!

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Wahl Professional Animal products are not only built with quality and care, they are built with owners in mind. Excellent for last minute touch ups at shows. Move mouse over the image to magnify. Kleines, sehr kompaktes Schergerät für die sensiblen Bereiche wie Augen, Pfötchen etc.

It features a rubberise soft touch . Pocket Pro Trimmer ideal for small jobs ,whiskers noses etc. Palm sized trimmer, compact and contoured for easy handling. Comes complete with battery, two combs, . A very handy pocket sized trimmer which is ideal for trimming whiskers, ears, paws . Clipper sales, repair, sharpening service of Aesculap, Andis, Heiniger, Alpha- Laval, Wahl , Old Brown Stewart Sunbeam, Oster brands for your sheep, horses, . Klein, sehr kompakt und insbesondere für sensible Bereiche wie Augen, Pfoten o. Wahl Pocket Trimmer has a quiet cord-free operation. Also ideal for between smaller animals toes . The Wahl pocket trimmer pro . Designed to be hidden in your hand while working around the face area of your animal, especially with animals that react to a clipper around their ears. It is ideal for trimming face and ears.

Battery operate this product can be used anywhere and.

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